Last Remaining Stations In “Distant Interstellar Warning Line” To Be Decommissioned By 2289

Britain's War Office has confirmed the final budget cycle for the Distant Interstellar Warning Line, marking the start of its phased decommissioning. Established during the Evacuation Effort, the system was an international trip-wire for Scinfaxi activity that never materialized.

Our Analysis: Once nearly ten-thousand automated sensor buoys monitored by dozens of manned stations, the withdrawal of the USSR & the Reich in the 2260s left large holes in its perimeter. With no reported sightings after a century of use, the system was deemed unnecessary.

What are your thoughts on the decommissioning of the Distant Interstellar Warning Line? Is it a logical move after a century of no sightings, or does it leave us unprepared for the unexpected?


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