Hundreds of Thousands Arrested Across the Reich In Worst “Tier Purge” On Record

Evidence continues to mount suggesting that the German Reich completed the largest single-day, mass-arrest in its history earlier this month. The action was synchronized to an especially punishing update to the nation’s social credit system.

Our Analysis: The Reich’s citizenship tier structure is the most advanced and invasive in the Orion Arm. Placement in its hierarchy is determined by a mandatory social credit system, with the largest updates to an individual's score occurring during monthly intervals.

It is a criminal offense to fall below a certain tier, with the severity of infractions determined by algorithm. During the more impactful monthly updates, it is not unusual for tens of thousands to suddenly find themselves the subject of an arrest warrant.

Foreign governments and human rights watchdogs have repeatedly accused the Reich of weaponizing this system against its own citizens, namely dissidents and objectors. There is evidence of this in the most recent update, which appears unprecedented in its severity.


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