Mammoth Starport Forms New Heart Of “Fascist Mercenary Empire” In Well Of Embers

The “Alesia”—a private military starport in the Rammanu System—recently marked its six-month anniversary with little fanfare. Its transition into active service, however, is a major victory for the Axis, which has been quietly expanding its influence in the Well of Embers.

A 4km long, neo-brutalist monstrosity, the Alesia is owned and operated by the “Tenth Legion”, a PMC based in Argentina, and all but confirmed to be a proxy for the Italian government. Both the Pact of Rome & Axis Powers are known to make heavy use of such proxies.

In addition to offering plausible deniability to military operations abroad, both the Italian and Reich governments have used PMCs to hide the true extent of personnel losses, particularly in the ongoing conflicts across the Amalfi System in the Elysian Fields.

Within the Well of Embers the role of PMCs like the Tenth Legion is less obvious. Publicly the “Alesia” is a regional headquarters, supporting the company’s deployments spinward of the Local Supercluster while assisting with local anti-piracy and interstellar security operations.

Unofficially, the station’s true purpose seems to be disrupting “shadow fleets” operated by the Soviet Union and other powers, which use the Well of Embers to circumvent the OTO-dominated Apollo Subcluster and New Canaan Corridor.

With a complement exceeding 35,000 personnel—including space for two brigades, three air wings, and various tactical units—the Alesia boasts greater capabilities than some Colonial Republics. Its flotilla, comprising 17 escorts and 4 cruisers, underscores its formidable strength.

Make no mistake—this is Italian military infrastructure in all but name. The Alesia is already providing significant support to fascist-aligned groups in the wider region and, if successful, seems poised to replace Communist smuggling routes through the Well of Embers with Fascist ones.

As obvious as this appears, the response from OTO has been toothless, allowing the Soviets to lead the opposition. While an Axis presence in the Well might be beneficial in the short term, OTO should never forget that the enemy of my enemy is not my friend.


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